When we get injured, it is understandable to think that abandoning all of our training and waiting for time to heal our injury is the most effective method. Unfortunately, we do this out of fear of not wanting to make our injury any worse, rather than determination to making it better. Taking a complete rest approach to your injuries actually reduces your physical function to a much greater extent and prevents your body from healing and managing the injury sustained.

Every person is different, and every injury is different, hence, the management of each injury should be treated differently. Without throwing too many fancy or scientific words around, when we perform our rehab exercises, we stimulate a process called ‘Mechano-transduction’. This process is your body’s way of converting mechanical pressure into cellular signals that help promote healing and cell communication. So essentially, you get better rewards for your efforts of exercising around your injury rather than just letting it heal on its own.

During the initial stages of injury, inflammation and pain surround the injured site which is often our reason for avoiding physical activity. When given the right exercises at the right time, we can utilise our new fancy scientific word of ‘Mechano-transduction’ to load the injured site, allow our muscles to contract, promote cell communication and ultimately reduce inflammation and pain-limiting movements. It should be highlighted that the severity and the type of injury will always dictate how to best manage the injury process however, we now know that taking the ‘avoid exercise at all cost’ approach is never usually the right way to go.


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